Such an exciting update from Paddy Brady and His 2 Offer!
We have broken ground on Irion Village, an innovative model for orphan care utilizing widows and local communities integrated into H2O Village and its evolving trail-blazing technology. Chiefs and Members of Parliament are excited about Charles Irion’s vision.
Currently, our modern working farm with chickens, rice and vegetable production helps support the 500 children in our school. Learning at our school is greatly enhanced by intranet-based SmartBox technology. The school’s government testing success rate is 100%. The rural H2O community medical clinic is well staffed and equipped with all necessary medication.
H2O is an incubator for innovation working with renewable energies. A few examples are flower mills, peanut oil extraction, and baking. The design of the Irion Village building is done and we broke ground on the first building. For Irion Village to be successful and sustainable the following projects are in progress. Firstly, a 60,000 watt solar power farm will be completed this year. This will provide renewable energy for existing and developing infrastructure. Secondly, the new Aquavoltaic fish farm will produce 10,000 fish and 30,000 pounds of greens yearly. The design is based on two working fish farms in Kenia. The container carrying the components needed for the fish farm has arrived in Malawi. Lastly, new farming techniques are constantly being researched.
Breaking ground on Irion Village

Aquavoltaic Fish Farm

Bricks for Building

Smart-Box Technology for School

Rural H2O Community Medical

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