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The Phoenix Dream Center, a volunteer driven nonprofit organization, which exists to serve the homeless, low-income, at risk youth and struggling individuals and families by providing resources, opportunities and supportive services to help them realize their dream of living a self-sufficient life.
Founded in 2006, the Phoenix Dream Center currently serves over 40,000 people each month. They have become best known for 2 things in Phoenix; their Community Outreaches and their Housing Programs.
Each week through the various Dream Center Programs, they conduct 110 Street and Nursing Home Outreaches to people in need. At each Outreach, Food, Clothing and a message of Hope and God's Love is shared. Our Programs provide housing to over 300 people each night. The Housing Programs at the Phoenix Dream Center include a Christian-based Life Recovery Program, A Program for Young Women out of Sex Trafficking including Crisis Pregnancy, An Affordable Housing Program and A Foster Care Age-Out Program.

Live Action Video Trailer for F四UR
Premiers January 29, 2024
10:00 am Arizona Time

Charles Irion currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Phoenix, AZ Foundation which looks to Helen Keller as their inspiration. Irion is a big supporter of the Lions Vision and Hearing Foundation’s mission, which is to restore vision and hearing impairments by those people afflicted through medical care. The Lions Vision and Hearing Foundation formed in 1974 to carry out Helen Keller’s challenge to be “Knights of the Blind.”
Global Family Philanthropy is a Scottsdale, Arizona based non-profit organization dedicated to helping poor families and children in Haiti and the U.S. Through volunteer service and fundraising, we work to empower families, care for the elderly and provide children access to shelter, education, nutrition and a loving community of support.
Their work extends from the desert of Arizona to the Caribbean island of Haiti. GFP has created a loving home in Northern Haiti, where they care for 11 children and employ 5 Haitian staff members. Their children live in a family-style environment and attend school, a rare opportunity in this devastatingly poor country.
Within walking distance of the children’s home is Bon Samaritan, a home for the elderly run by Catholic Charities. GFP is proud to be working with the Catholic Church to support on-going projects at Bon Samaritan.
Steps of Love is a U.S.-based nonprofit whose mission is to help youth in Mexico break the cycle of poverty by facilitating access to quality educational opportunities. We partner with Mexican nonprofits whose focus is to support young people whose families lack the resources to send them to school and ensure they succeed.
Unlike in the United States, public school in Mexico is not free. Beginning in high school students have to pay for registration, tuition and fees, books, uniforms and transportation. Students in younger grades must pay for all school supplies, transportation and special activities.
In addition to these direct educational expenses, families face a variety of other barriers preventing their children from attending school and succeeding academically. Barriers can include a lack of academic support in the home, as well as the inability to meet basic needs such as food, shelter and access to medical care. Through donations and child sponsorship, Steps of Love provides family support, financial support and academic support.

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